
For microfluidic applications, standard marking solutions have limitations with respect to the materials used for such purpose. Many lasers do not work well on olefinic polymers, which play a predominant role in the microfluidics market and inkjet-printed labels are difficult to apply on highly hydrophobic substrates, which are also very common in microfluidics.

The major advantage over competing solutions for microfluidic devices lies in the expected compatibility with practically all used polymeric materials used in microfluidics, independently on their chemical properties, which influence the other marking technologies. This universality is especially appealing for small and medium volume production runs in different materials, which otherwise need adaptations of process and hardware after each run.

The DM technology is currently assessed for its use in microfluidic device manufacturing with one of our partners counting on 19 year-experience in manufacturing polymer-based microfluidic devices. We are jointly exhibiting the DM technology to the microfluidics market.